Hand-Grip Megaphones
TOA offers an extensive range of portable power megaphones that provide optimal reinforcement for various applications in different environments such as schools, government organization facilities, factories and many others.
Le mégaphone électrique est un système de communication publique minimal que vous pouvez emporter et qui amplifiera votre voix instantanément. Les mégaphones de TOA vont bien au-delà de la restitution de la voix, ils peuvent émettre des sons de sirène ou de sifflet. Ces mégaphones peuvent être utilisés à la main ou installés sur un trépied.
TOA offers an extensive range of portable power megaphones that provide optimal reinforcement for various applications in different environments such as schools, government organization facilities, factories and many others.
Featuring compact and stylish designs with powerful outputs, TOA megaphone include splash-resistant types as well as high-performance shoulder types that provide a separate auxiliary input and even wireless microphone capability. Other features such as siren and whistle are available on some models.
ER-1000 or ER-1000A Series is a wearable, easy-to-operate personal PA system that delivers powerful and clear sound from its lightweight body attached to a waistband. A slightly curved design of the main unit fits perfectly on your waist and is barely affected by your motion. This product is suited in various situations such as guided tours, sport classes, directing traffic and other security-and-safety-related applications, as well as attracting prospective customers at shows and storefronts.