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Systèmes de notifications de masse

Il est essentiel d'émettre des avis intelligents et audibles pour guider les gens en toute sécurité lors d'événements d'urgence.

Les systèmes d'évacuation vocale doivent être vraiment fiables pour assurer la performance de la transmission de messages clairs aux gens de la région pour leurs actions rapides. Les systèmes d'évacuation vocale de TOA gèrent à la fois les communications d'urgence et les opérations générales telles que les annonces de pagination et les distributions de musique tout en respectant les normes EN/UL et de nombreuses autres réglementations locales.


VM-2000 Series
VM-2000 Series
Cost-effective solutions for building management and owners.

Targeted at medium-sized facilities, every VM-2000 Series unit offers three line/mic inputs, 2 BGM inputs and remote mic capability as well as telephone paging.

VM-3000 Series
VM-3000 Series
Cost-effective system for small to medium sized applications.

The VM-3000 is a cost-effective integrated public address and voice alarm system. It is designed to fulfil the EN 54 European regulation for voice alarm and also engineered with powerful digital signal processor (DSP), ensuring high quality audio broadcasting for proper speech intelligibility. The compact design enables the system to fit best in various small to medium sized applications such as schools, shopping centres or restaurants.

VX-3000 Series
VX-3000 Series
Combined highly integrated voice alarm and public address system.

Our VX-3000 is a reliable and energy-saving voice alarm system that combines all important functions for PA/VA in one unit frame. The limited number of components makes the design and installation much easier, as well as saving space and reducing cable complexity. This enables rapid system configuration and makes the VX-3000 a cost effective system. It comes with low loss modular class D amplifiers, with 3 different output ratings. These can easily be removed or replaced simply by unplugging them; there is no need for specialist tools. By using low loss modular class D amplifiers and modern power supply switching technology the system becomes much more energy efficient and keeps the operating costs low. Thanks to its flexible and scalable system architecture the VX-3000 system can be used for both small and large applications, with up to 1280 remote microphones, 640 audio sources and 2560 speaker lines.